Monday 19 December 2011

Constitucion de 1917 QRO

19 December 2011.
Early in morning.  Lovely sunny day clear and little wind.  Approached lake from main road and drove to edge of water and parked.  Opened door and looked up to see an OSPREY circling close over my head - nice start.  Then a ring tailed female Northern Harrier flew over.  Two Eared grebes and a Pied Billed Grebe were diving close in to the shore line. Dominating the ducks were huge numbers of Pintail. One American Wigeon was amongst the Pintails and a flock of Ruddy Ducks were in the centre of the lake. From the previous week 3 of the 4 Ross Geese remained but outside of that there was nothing much of note a few Greater Yellowlegs and Lesser Yellowlegs and the normal waders were around and that was about it.

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