Monday 19 December 2011



I arrived at La Llave in the late morning approaching from Motorway on road to La Llave village just south of village a Common Yellowthroat (female) was feeding near a group of Lesser Goldfinches.
The pools next to the bridge over to the village held water and muddy edges around the reeds.  Birds present there were Lesser Yellowlegs 2, Wilsons Phalarope 2 (this is by far the furthest into winter I have seen them in Queretaro) and 2 Northern Jacanas. La Llave seems to be the only location in Queretaro where this species can be found.
Circling over the marsh were 3 Crested Caracaras, 1 Northern Harrier female and up to 7 Turkey Vultures.  Ducks included massive numbers of Pintail, Shoveler, Coot, Green Winged Teal and Mexican Duck, and smaller numbers of Blue Winged Teal, Cinnemon Teal and Ruddy Duck.  Also seen were Wilson Snipe approx 10 and at least 75 Long Billed Dowitchers and loads of Least Sandpipers.  I am not much one for counting bird numbers.   At the far end of lake is where the action came (And just before I had to turn back to Queretaro and do Christmas shopping...great ! ) on the edge of the water I picked up two large white birds, and it was the birds id been hoping to see here as I read from previous studies into avifauna in Queretaro that La Llave holds best opportunity for Snow Geese.  And there they were 2 SNOW GEESE great and new for Mexico and Queretaro for me.  One was a spectacular white adult with normal black edging and distinctive black grin to beak. Larger heavier bird than the Ross Geese and immediately distinctive.  The other was a juvenile and no doubt on its first winter migration. I was not able to approach as they spooked easy so I decided to let them rest and feed and watched them feed from the track.  Identification was simple and their behaviour was very wild and wary.  First for Mexico for me and great end to the day.

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